Cladding adjustment

Hello everyone, I discover this forum and I am looking for solutions. I would like to know how to adjust a bookcase piece in an assembly, i.e. cladding between 4 beams and that the cladding adjusts automatically. Given the comments I am sure to find an answer from you. Thank you in advance.

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In addition to my other answer I would do differently, I would create a canister configuration of the maximum length you make and then do the material removal in the assembly. That way we don't touch the bookcase part and you can dimension your blades in the MEP of the assembly...

Question why not work via welded construction

you create your profiles well create the connection points

upright / upright inter external angle / cladding etc...

then you just have to create your sketches

and put each desired profile in the right place and they will adjust in auto

which moreover is you will have your list of flow length of parts / volumes / mass etc....

@+ ;-)



You can create two planes, one on one end of the siding and the other of the desired length, and extrude to the next surface. 


Edit:  the welded construction could match your expectations

Look at this link




My cladding is one piece and the posts another piece, I do a total assembly of the cottage. I put you a picture of the whole.

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yes I understand the approach 

This is a domespace that I also modeled in this way 

but we quickly saturate at least the log 

All the pieces are made of volume independent of each other



Hello gt22

I already make my cladding and the posts in welded construction but for the cladding I do a repetition to have my number of boards with a different width. I tried with instan 3D to adjust, it's a faster. I hope that I am clear and that my method is the right one.



What do you want exactly:

  1. Fixed cladding width and find the number of planks
  2. Fixed Blade Number and Find the Right Width
  3. Adapt both width and Nb


Hello Coyote

I wanted my cladding (part) to be put in place between the posts and crossbars when I insert it into an assembly.

For the number of blades I do it in repetition and the width I do it with an equation;.

Thank you for your interest in my question.

I do the insertion with the origin and I just have to open up the sketch and make a coencident dot in the other corner.