Improvement in the latest version of Lynkoa (have you seen it)

Hello @toutes @tous, @Coralie,  @ the team of developers,      at choum

I noticed an interesting improvement in the latest version of Lynkoa for image insertion.

In the old version, you had to choose the size of the image from a mini table before inserting it with the text.

In the new version you insert your image without worrying about the size, then you can select the handles at the corners of the images and pull to adjust the size to your liking.
This makes it possible to see whether the image remains legible or not and to adjust until the legibility - size compromise.

Kind regards

PS: I hope no one is going to say that this has been around for 5 years  !!!!



I don't know about the image insertion, but I discovered a new oddity,

The recent forum topic changes depending on the language (which sometimes changes by itself). Which may explain why some people have trouble getting answers :-( .





@Pierre S

Congratulations Pierre!  you have reached difficulty level 5 with this English   variant (you had to find it!)

Kind regards




For my part, I often inserted images hosted from imgur and it's no longer possible, so I preferred the previous version!

My screenshot software saves the screenshot directly on imgur and I only had the link to insert without going to look for the location on my hard drive, which I found very convenient, but no longer possible only the possibility of inserting an image from the hard drive is now possible.

On the other hand, the possibility of enlarging the image with the handles is indeed interesting.


Hello @tous, 

Thank you for this remark@Zozo_mp , I'm glad you like this improvement! 

Regarding the other points (image insertion + language selection) I have passed it on to our technical teams. Image insertion can be edited; The English and German languages are new and can still be improved... I also sometimes encounter this problem that I have already reported ! 



Hello Coralie,

Here is attached the error I have when I want to open the files attached to the questions.

Kind regards.


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Hello A.R, 

The bug has been taken into account, thanks for the information! 

Have a good day, Coralie