How to improve the graphic rendering of a glass part in SWcomposer?



I have a project on SolidWorks Composer or my model has a lot of glass parts. I can't get a clean rendering. The glass parts are very transparent and the result is not great:(


Thank you for your help



It's true that SWComposer is not a realistic rendering software and that it must be difficult to get an excellent result on glass textures.

Maybe by changing your lighting, the sources, their locations, the result would be better.

To be tested...






I completely agree with Yves, don't get the software wrong, SolidWorks Composer is a tool that facilitates technical communication with videos and/or images explaining very technical things in a simple and clear way for the widest possible audience.

There are certainly many rendering functions in composer but to make a photorealistic image it is better to use Photoview 360 in SolidWorks or other.


However, with lighting settings and maybe also opacity settings directly on the glass parts, it may be possible to improve the rendering.



As Yves says, it's rather complicated to combine communication rendering with realistic rendering.


Isn't it possible to insert images created from photoview?


The result is not the same...

Oops, sorry Coyote, I replied at the same time^^

Personally, I won't bother trying to have a glass texture in SWComposer.On the other hand, I will select the desired part and I will decrease the opacity of the part, and possibly I will slightly increase the transparency... In my opinion, it would be more understandable, with a better rendering.

Here is a screenshot of a small example of rendering in SWComposer, with glass material, but playing with the light settings.

Between the original version and the one you see in the screenshot, it's night and day.

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Here, a screenshot of another example.

I simply selected the room and changed the opacity of the room. The material is plastic...


1 parameter to change, and finally, the rendering is not bad and understandable... I think that's the best in the end.


I hear your answers and thank you. I will indeed play with these parameters to optimize as much as possible. 

SWComposer is increasingly used in environments such as cosmetics where the level of requirements on the visual is very high. 

Composer already offers very interesting features that you can't do with SolidWorks and therefore photoview 360.


It may deserve a request for improvement.