"an unknown error occurred while accessing.."


Has anyone ever had this type of error message?

I can no longer save a sub-assembly...



No not yet ....

Try to save a copy under another name to avoid losing everything, then, if it works, you can rename this new file with the old name and replace the old file with the new one.

Kind regards

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Yes, I've already had it, but in FRENCH. Your assembly has been corrupted, it happens sometimes. The recourse that there is finally it seems to me is that you have automatic backups activated so that you won't need to start all over again. Is your Solidworks in English?


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I've already had this problem that I was coluting by actually registering under another name:)



I've had a similar problem before and I agree with Mad, registering under another name solved the problem (as far as I can remember).





I've already had this error due to network losses, and like MaD, forced to register locally, close SolidWorks and re-register in the right place.

On the other hand, as ac cobra indicates, if you have "corrupted file", I hope for you that autosave is activated.


Thank you for your answers,

I forgot to mention that the assembly that is causing the problem was in 2014 before moving yesterday to 2016.

(I use the software in English so that unconsciously I learn a little technical English:) 

I realized that before saving, one of the edits I was making was to delete a sketch in the assembly. When I don't delete it and make other edits, it works again, I can save my work... Strange!

It is true that when you switch from one version to another it is a source of error, then if you notice that your error affects only one part I will advise you to delete it then save and finally to redo it.


I think that your outline is certainly shared. If that's the case, maybe that's why its bug.


The problem was with a sketch, when I delete it, I can't save anymore. So I just hid it and I deal with it...

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Ok so it had to be shared or used with constraints to place parts...

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