Motion Analysis: Move an Assembly by Modifying a Constraint


I'm new to SolidWorks motion, I'm currently fumbling around with a few tutorials but I'm wondering if it's possible to do what I want to do.

I have an assembly of an excavator arm. This assembly is totally constrained. However, I can control it by manually modifying the distance constraints between the rod and the body of the cylinders.

I want to get the trajectory curve back from a point on my arm. I saw that it was possible to do this by doing a "Motion Analysis". The problem is that I can't animate my arm in a "Motion Analysis" by placing the keys on the timeline and changing the value of my distance constraints. Now, in an "Animation", it works very well but you can't recover the trajectory of a point.

Is it possible to control the arm in a "Motion Analysis" as in an "Animation"?


Thank you, have a good day!


Rather than totally constraining the bars, can you try to use a limit constraint?

See also this link:


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Thank you for your answer,

I can use a limit constraint, but by what means can I animate the arm afterwards? I can't add a key by choosing another distance value like for a classic distance constraint.


Good evening

You can submit your example online

with the trajectory of the point you want to follow?

See help here:

And could a sequential animation be suitable?


I don't want the arm to follow a trajectory. I want a point on the bucket, controlled by the cylinders, to draw a curve following its trajectory.

Basically, I would like to be able to do this in a motion analysis and not in an animation:


Because in a motion analysis we can draw graphs unlike animations:


I don't know if I was very clear. Thank you for your help in any case