Anchoring tables according to the basemap

Is it possible to create anchor points for different basemap templates (.slddrt), i.e. based on different basemap sizes?

Anchors are linked to the drawing template (.drwdot)


Yes, depending on the size of the plan and the right background map corresponding to the desired format, yes, otherwise there is of course a drift.

Well I can't take screenshots, because my pc is being processed.

When you insert your nomenclature you check the option of the you want its position, at the top or bottom right or left, and that's it, pay attention to the format of the plan and its good background, otherwise it doesn't work well.





I do think that the anchor point is linked to the baseplane.
However, the table anchor parameter is not bound. It will therefore have to be adjusted on a case-by-case basis (each time it is inserted or changed in format).

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I wasn't specific enough in my need:

I can't seem to create anchor points that are the default and attached to each of my baseplane templates. So that I don't have to redefine the anchor points if I change the sheet format. How to do it?

How do you go about creating your anchor points?

I proceed as on the image in PC, is there another way?



This is the only method I know.

I just tested: under SW2019, I edited my template file to add an anchor point, save the basemap from this template (file/save the basemap) for 2 sizes. When I switch from one to the other it works, the nomenclature follows.


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