Component Overview

Hi all
Recently and again because it's not the first time, I can't visualize a part in an assembly by right-clicking on the part in question and previewing the component. Normally, a window opens in double pane with the assembly on the left, and the part preview on the right, but now I have a whole window opening for the part. So no more hand on the assembly and I must admit that it's problematic when you want to select a face or something else to constrain the part in the assembly.
Have you ever had the case and if so, how did you solve the matter please?

Hello, isn't it a problem of resizing the window if you reduce it by half, wouldn't the tiled display come back?!

Thank you @vspemens but unfortunately I have already tried this maneuver, without success...

I had the same problem with the component's window display overwriting the general assembly window without creating another accessible window.
I just solved the problem by using SW in display on a single screen (without multi-screens). I unplugged my screens and launched SW then I restarted SW after plugging back in and configuring my multi screen as if it were a new connection.

Hello @d.donval
Thank you for your RETEX. I tried to do the same according to your procedure but the problem persists. I also checked the graphics card drivers, which are up to date and correspond to the Solidworks requirements. I turned off and then restarted the PC, launched SW but it's still the same. It's really a mystery what the display problem is!

Same problem, putting on a single screen doesn't change anything. I continue to dig into the subject.
By the way I have the 2022 SP5

Hello @Charley @Le_Bidule

By scrutinizing the Registry and testing, I have found, I think, the solution.

Open the Registry Editor (win+R then "regedit"), and go to the following path:

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2020\User Interface\Dialogs

Towards the top of the list is a named componentViewportOptionsDlg_copts value whose value is probably very close to 0.0!
This value is the ratio of the viewport of the asm to that of the preview component. 0.0 means 0% for ASM and 100% for Preview; So you have to change this value to something like wdratio_0.5 50/50 or wdratio_0.9 to resize the preview of the component to 10%. Enough to find the separation for a direct adjustment. In usage, a ratio to wdratio_0.7 is a good default value.

The preview of the component must be closed before validating the value. By reopening the preview, it will have changed its ratio.

Also when you extend the preview from SW, remember to reduce it to 30% before exiting the program, in order to avoid this problem when opening on other screen configurations (from 2 to 1 only).

Kind regards.

NB: replace the 2020 version of the path with your own.


Thank you very much @Sylk ! Indeed the problem is solved, the value was on 0. Why, I don't know!
In any case, you should have known it! Thank you again!

Cool. Please.
I added a word about a precaution to take to prevent this from happening again.