SW Appearance Imported into Composer

I would like to get a SW part with a surface appearance in composer but this appearance does not appear at all

See attached photo

What is the procedure?

Thank you


Hello Philippe

I don't use compose, sorry but maybe it will help you all the same.

If in solidworks you use a "decal" instead of an appearance, do you have the same problem when importing into composer?

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No! The result is the same: no more transfer than appearance

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Which version of composer do you have?

According to this link via the different versions of Composer you don't have the same options

You need Solidworks Compose to have the choice of appearances


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SW 2015

Composer 2015

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Look at this link


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Thank you

What is this link supposed to give me?

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According to the SOLIDWORKS Composer version

-solidworks composer

-Solidworks Composer Enterprise Sync

-solidworks composer player

The options are not the same

This is what was supposed to give you

See this tutorial among others


There is a texture tab at about 13:40 that allows you to change the appearances




I tried by creating in SW an appearance, a decal, saving in 3Dxml format, making a takeaway composition, I checked the box "import textures.... still nothing to do!!

but is it really possible?


See this link

To import decals into Solidworks Composer


Import textures


See this link which contains 71 tutorial videos to compose


@+ ;-)


Following one of the videos I recorded in 3Dxml format which allows you to recover SW parts in compose with textures and decals ... In the tutorial, everything goes well! For me it doesn't work!

If anyone has other ideas....

Thank you

See this tutorial

to import 3D renderings


@+ ;-)