Apparition du message " Initial interference is not allowed for the Virtual Wall". Comment supprimer ce message d'erreur?


At the end of the contact detection - around 36% of a quasi-static simulation calculation, under the solid works simulation software - this error message stopped the calculation.

I use a "virtual wall" function, with a "flexible" configuration to simulate the behavior of a plate fixed on rubber mounts .

What are  the possible causes of this error message?

Thank you in advance for your help.




Good evening

Hard to say without seeing the parameters but it reminds me of a topic we dealt with recently. We have seen the same error several times with silent blocks or springs

It's a question of the construction of your simulation, especially when I read this :(( the behavior of a plate fixed on rubber mounts . ))

To say more, you should post in a first one images preferably with the tree with all the parameters.

Kind regards

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Given the error message, it seems that in the initial state, there is an interference between a part and the virtual wall. Check if your part does not go through this wall.

Kind regards


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Thank you for your help.

No, there was no interference in the initial state: the room and the virtual wall were several times the size of the room.

Since the publication of this message, I have found a solution to get around the problem : I replaced the flexible virtual wall function by adding fixed parts (materializing the fixed part of the silent block) and then adding spring connectors.

The calculation has turned in this new configuration. So I think it came from the construction of the links, or from the modelling.

Problem solved. Thank you.