Apply a shrinkage coefficient to a part

Hi all.

Is it possible to apply a shrinkage coeff to a part in SW, before making the impressions (as in CATIA)?

I feel like the shrinkage applies to the cavities and not the part alone in SW, my goal is to have the insert of a mold machine smaller than the actual shape of the part.

Thank you in advance.

by making a surface offset on your part

It should work, right?

@+ ;-)



The ladder function might be useful to you. Have you tried it?

Insert => molds => scale

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Shrinkage factor and draft in mold design

Shrinkage factor

When creating a mold, you need to consider the shrinkage factor. The shrinkage factor is the degree to which the material shrinks or expands in the mold as it solidifies. The shrinkage factor depends on the type of material used and the shape of the mold and is expressed as a percentage of the linear size (not volume) of the cavity part.

The software sizes the footprint taking into account the specified shrinkage factor. The formula used is as follows:

Footprint size = part size * (1 + shrinkage factor/100)

For example :


Withdrawal factor in %
(type this number)

Footprint size

2% material shrinkage (footprint larger than the workpiece)


Room size * 1.02

 2% material expansion (footprint smaller than the part)


Room Size * 0.98


Creating drafts for mussels

You may need to add draft angles to imprinted parts so that you can remove the finished part from the mold.

If you have a SolidWorks model, you can use the Parting  Line tool to separate faces and the Draft  tool to add a draft. You can also use the Trimmed  Surface tool with SolidWorks or imported models to add draft, correct surface imperfections, or create locking surfaces.

Related topics

Locking surface

Separation lines

Adjusted surface


@+ ;-)