FeatureManager tree: Changing fonts from time to time

Hi all

Do you know if it's possible to change the font in the Design Tree for certain components?

It may seem silly but in large assemblies, I think it would be very useful.

Example in my case: In bold or in color to quickly locate parts or assemblies that have been modified or for a quick identification of components that can be modified. And/or to attract attention for employees working on the same project.

By right-clicking on the component in the context menu or by using a function key. And save as is, when the file is saved.

Maybe that's a lot of demand at the same time!

Thank you in advance for your answers

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I don't think changing the font in the creation tree is possible.

On the other hand, you can create folders (modified parts, modified parts, etc...) and move your assemblies and components to this or that folder as needed.


yes as philippeB says

Create edit folders

and you also have this possibility

Edit a part in an assembly

Most descending relationships are created when editing a part within an assembly. This is also called in-context editing because you create or edit the feature in the context of the assembly rather than in isolation as is typically the case when creating parts. In-context editing allows you to see the part in the correct location in the assembly while you create the new feature. Alternatively, you can use the geometry of neighboring parts to define the size or shape of the new feature.

 Even if you do not use the top-down design methods, you can still edit the part in the assembly window. For example, when working in an assembly, you can change the extrusion of a component to reverse its direction, or modify a fillet to add more edges of the same component. In this case, it is not referred to as a top-down design because the other parts of the assembly are not used.

When editing a part in the context of an assembly, you can use colors to indicate which component is being edited. You can also change the transparency of assembly components when editing a part.

To edit a part in an assembly:

  1. Right-click the part and select Edit Part or click Edit Component  on the Assembly toolbar.

    The title bar shows the name of the part in the assembly opened for editing: <nom_de_la_pièce> in <nom_de_l assembly> .sldasm. Notice that the message in the status bar indicates that you are now editing the part document, although the entire assembly is visible.

     When you edit a part in the context of an assembly, the configuration referenced in the assembly becomes the active configuration in all open windows (for example, if the part is open in its own window).

    If the part is used in another open assembly document and Use current or last saved component configuration is selected, it is also affected.

    For more information, see Component Configurations in an Assembly.

  2. Make the necessary changes to the part.

  3. To return to editing the assembly, right-click the assembly name in the FeatureManager authoring tree. You can also right-click anywhere in the graphics area and select Edit Assembly: <nom_de_l Assembly> or click Edit Component .

@+ ;-)


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I already use the functions you list. These are alternatives but that doesn't exactly answer my question.

I'm afraid that it will take a development at the heart of the software to answer my question.


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The simple fact of putting ***** in front of a name allows you to be quickly spotted in the tree.



Yes thank you, it's a solution closer to my request.

May the force be with you!


Or it is possible to put the Edit functions in the Favorites folder.

Right-click on the function and then add to favorites.

may the force be with you.


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Yes great, it also works for parts and assemblies.

Thank you Jedi Master!