Arc in 3D Sketch

Hi all


I come back to the charge always with the same file.

I was always told to draw a piece as if I was making it in order to realize the difficulties of it.

So that's what I'm trying to do with the next ray.

I don't know how to go about drawing an arc between the line and the other arc so that it corresponds to a single bending operation.

The length of the existing segment and arc can be changed but I don't know how to do it in order to have something regular like the picture here:

I apologize for the terms that are not very technical.


Thank you for your help




What version of SW are you in? for I cannot open it for myself...



I am using the 2016 version

Ouch sorry, I'm in 2014 ... Maybe one day we will have to change...



But given your image, I think it will be achieved with several bending steps....

No worries;) thank you anyway

Here you can see all the steps:


This radius is well done in one go


There are,  as usual, several ways to do it.

You can create a 3D sketch from a plan by setting the angle to another plane, create the arc of a circle, and add fillets. 

You can create two sketches on planes and with the projected curve tool create the 3D sketch of this fold. All that remains is to add leave and even then, it depends on your sketches. 

The simplest is the first solution but requires several scans. 

The second one is cleaner, 3 2D sketches converted into 1 3D sketch and a single scan. A solution that requires a little more knowledge. 

Kind regards. 


First of all, I hope you that to simplify you work on half of the piece, to then make a body symmetry with fusion.

I'd also start with a 3D sketch:
- the great arch being constrained in inclination via a construction line, the center and one end being constrained on the median plane;
- Leaves are created via the Sketch Leaves tool.

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I just made a piece of workpiece: SW14 doesn't know how to make the fillet between the inclined arc and the inclined segment, so you have to be cunning.

I put the file in PJ

bottle cage.sldprt
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here is a sketch with 3D sketch



I bounce back on what Yves says...

How do you convert 2 2D sketches into 1 3D??

Moreover, is the reverse also possible?
