Stops in Shaded Picture Mode Disappeared in a Drawing


In a fairly heavy assembly when I do my drawing that I would like to have in shaded image mode with edge, I don't have the edges.

It is a general layout of the factory without the decrees we see nothing and I need a good quality global view for a presentation

thank you for your help



Is the option selected in the settings?

If not, does a reconstruction and a "remanufacturing" of the plan still not work?

thank you for your answer

I tried in both cases it's the same

reconstruction no, when I redo the drawing it's the same

Sometimes I have the stops but at the slightest change scale or other they disappear again, impossible to put them back without redrawing.

And in terms of display qualities when importing, does it work better in the " high quality " setting?

What version of Solidworks does the station run on? Maybe an update to the latest Service Pack?


High quality unfortunately doesn't change anything

Impossible update because of the info service of my company

I think it's the display in complex assembly mode that is the problem.
It's a kind of limit to large assemblies.

Try by selecting another resolved opening or other even it's heavier.

Also tried in solved the pc really lags and it doesn't change anything 

Thank you for your help 

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And with a simpler (or less heavy) plan, it's the same problem?

For the management of large assemblies, I advise you to watch this tutorial:

And see SpeedPak, which was developed especially for the layout of factories, and which allows you to display only the assemblies, without loading them in memory:

See also:


no problem with the lighter assembly

I look with speedpak I don't know

Thank you

I found the solution

You have to uncover the box "Do not display stops in shaded image mode when you are in assembly"

and it works thank you for your help

great the speedpack very simple and effective 
