Non-horizontal tube stop

Hello everyone,

I have a mystery that I can't solve.

I'm creating a 200x100 tube frame with the tubes meeting on an octagonal piece. Only when I was making the turntables I realized something strange, the vertical edges are well aligned on Y (when I dimension I have a measurement in mm so my strokes are parallel) but the horizontal edge has an angle of 0.13°, in itself I don't care I can create the part as it won't make a difference to the manufacturing but I'm intrigued. I checked the Model of my tube and yet everything is perpendicular. And I have this anomaly on the 4 beams diagonally and not on the others. I am attaching a screenshot and the document in question. I've never made a framework before, so I wonder if I didn't make a mistake somewhere.


Here is the play


By default solidworks on a non-perpendicular  sketch tends to rotate the profile.

To realign it, edit the profile function, then click on Alignment (1)choose horizontal or vertical axis alignment, then on an edge that defines the alignment (2 for example here) and define the alignment angle.

This is a failed bug or improvement that has been around since version 2016 or so. The problem did not exist on the 2014 version. (from memory)

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Thank you for your quick response!

However that's what I had done since the beginning (originally the tube was much more tilted than that), I tried by changing "align to the horizontal axis" or vertical but the problem remains the same, and if I change the angle to 359.87 it's the vertical edge of the tube that is no longer good.

Isn't it the section of the tube that has the defect?


Like stefbeno  check the section of your tube, to see the path of your profile library: option locations of the files Welded construction profiles then you open the profile concerned and you check the sketch of the profile.

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I checked it and it has no problem, I added constraints to be 100% sure...

That's what's incoherent, on the 200 of the tube I'm vertical but not on the 100...