Round up 5 an equation

Hi all

I would like to know if anyone knows how to round the result of an equation up to the next 5 (388-->390, 382-->385).

Thank you in advance.


Kind regards.


Maybe on this side?



Sorry I had read too fast you want to round up to 5 sup.

I don't know enough about SW but if you can go through Excel attached file.

B1=(ROUNDING. SUP((A1/10)*2; 0)/2)*10



Thanks to franck.ceroux  for trying to help me.

I got around the problem graphically.



Could you share your solution because we are on a mutual aid platform and it would be nice for people who want to do the same thing...

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Hello ac cobra 427 yes I can,

In fact, I use the dimension of a sketch in construction mode which evolves according to the other elements.

I retrieve the value of this dimension through the equations, then I write it in the properties so that the user sees the real value in the properties window when he modifies the data, then he only has to enter a rounded value in the property that controls the positioning of the part.

Hoping to have been clear.

Kind regards.





So you must know a game between 2 bodies or something like that?

In this case you could have used a sensor that would have done the same job I think.

may the force be with you.