Weld Aspects - SolidWorks


In a SolidWorks drawing, I would like to put a weld look around a cylindrical shape but not on the entire periphery.

In the drawing of the attachment, I want the weld aspect not to be present at the bottom at my rib.

But when I check "Partial Length", the first point starts on the quarter on the right and doesn't want to go down.

Does anyone know how to handle this problem?



Weld seams are very capricious, the easiest way for seams like this is either to make them in 3D, or to put an annotation... or the 2.

In 2014 I didn't succeed with the welding aspect...



Mamaille when you hold us....


By making a circular repetition of an arc of a circle (center, the center of your tube and radius Ø/2) by placing the first arc at one end and measuring the angle to the point of arrival you can make something that looks like circular weld bead (see attachment).

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I think this is normal since it is a closed outline (circle).

Since it is a rib you can fit it on the 1μ tube. See image PJ.



In SW 2015 it becomes very easy to do this because it is now possible to use a single edge to make welds (welding on the edge of the opening of a ferrule for example).

So in your case it works great.


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Hello Coyote,

Please try it with a tangent shape See image PJ.

Because your circle is divided in two by the rectangle.


In this case, a dividing line must be made at the desired location to limit the edge as desired.



@PL: not very obvious indeed

@Frédéric: I want to master the solder aspect tool to know its limits.

@BEB: indeed, I have a closed outline but the rib passes in front of the weld, hence the fact that I want a particular representation since SW does not hide the non-visible part of the weld.

@Coyote: thanks for the info! So I'm waiting for the SW2015 version to be released to see if I can do it better.


Thank you all for your help!