Assembly appears in the Creation Tree but is not on the graphics area



I come to because I have a small problem with a subset.

I just opened the sub-assembly and there is nothing more the assembly appears in the creation tree but without the parts.

I don't know how to explain my problem I am attaching a png for you so that you can see for yourself.

Basically or its past my pieces? and how to make them appear again (I'm under SW 2018).

Thank you for your answers.




According to your screenshot, the assembly is indeed empty.

This happens when you delete parts from another assembly.

If you have a top-level assembly in which these parts appear, drag them into the desired subassembly.

Otherwise you will have to search for these parts from windows explorer... to insert them back into this subassembly.

Kind regards.



In the end, the problem still persists.

I just handed over a PNG.

and in fact when I want to put a constraint all the 3D disappears.

yet he is still present.

And this is recurrent because on another completely different set the problem continues elsewhere....


Kind regards.



It is strange indeed.

I imagine that a reconstruction (CTRL+Q) doesn't change anything?

Do your disappearing assemblies (and the parts that compose them) have configurations? Imported elements? Display states? Has everything been converted to your version of Solidworks?

Kind regards.

Whether it's rebuilding, recording, stopping and restarting software doesn't change anything...

This assembly has no configuration, imported elements, or display states.

(Friday I did the update of SW 2016 around 2018) and since then I have a lot of problems including this one.

After the conversion this is automatic after the first recording it seems to me.

And then this is done with other assembly that contains only 3 - 4 pieces.


Kind regards.


Can you open and edit the parts contained in these assemblies in any problems?


Sorry to answer so late.

I solved my problem thanks to the visiativ platform and this is due to a graphical problem.

Either my graphics card was not up to date.

I was redirected to a download link and since (for the moment) no more problem.

Kind regards

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