Assembling with configurations, adding a part


I have an assembly with several configurations, when I add a new component by putting the 3 necessary constraints on it.

When I change configuration, this last component has its constraints removed.

So, I am forced to go to the 3 constraints, right-click on the mouse, open "configure the function", the "modify configurations" page opens; And there I see all my configurations and I deselect the delete box one by one.

It's very long QD we have 50 configurations to do.

Isn't there an easier way?

- or in the system options that would allow each component addition to have the same constraints?

or others? during assembly, but I didn't see anything


thank you for your answers





Personally I don't know if there is an otpion planned for that, while waiting for the other answers.

Create all the configs first.

You can  then select all your constraints together (highlight them in blue by selecting them with left+ctrl) and then right-click /"configure function".

So you have  a table that opens with all your configs and constraints.

Then a very simple and much faster way to check them off one by one:

You check a box, right-click on it/copy, then you select all your cells as in Excel by left-clicking  and dragging to the box you want to check (see attachment).

The squares will turn black. You end up right-clicking on an unchecked box and "paste" and all the selected boxes will be checked.


Hoping it will be useful to you.

Kind regards.



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It's at the level of the config properties that it's at stake: there's a pad that manages the configuration of functions and components. In this box we choose whether the new functions/components will be active or deleted (independently for functions and components).
By default, it's active components and removed functions.

The problem is that you can't select a configuration group to make a mass change (to my knowledge until SW2015).

So you have to think about it when creating the config (hoping not to have to go back to it).

When creating your configuration you see the tab below, just check the option in red or not depending on the interest of each person.

If the configuration is existing, just right-click on the configuration (in configuration manager)  and make property then change this option.

Edit: version sw2014

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Thank you all for your answers, 

They allowed me to see the different solutions which are all relevant,

and useful depending on when I have to apply the changes.