Blending - Application for registration without having modified the assembly


On some assemblies, Solidworks continually asks me to make a record (little star next to its name).

If I make a recording, the star disappears. But if immediately afterwards without having done any manipulation, I launch a "reload" on the assembly.
The star appears again, telling me that the assembly has been changed since the last load.

The bottom line is that these assemblies are used by our workshop on eDrawing. And eDrawing displays a message, stating that "the file displayed is outdated. It needs to be rebuilt in SOLIWORKS."

I dug into external references. The option in the settings "Do not ask to save documents referenced as read-only) is checked. But nothing was done.
Also strange, that it only asks me to register the assembly, no part used in it requires registration (see screenshot).

Do you have any idea of the source of the problem?

Thank you for your feedback



This often happens when parts that are linked into the assembly via equations or sketches that are carried over to other parts. Have things like that in the assembly?

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We avoid using the design in the assembly or the links between parts.
After checking on this assembly, I don't have an external reference (small ->).
I have equations but only inside a room itself, no reference to other rooms.

Is there a tool to view the links/references between parts?
Just like CATIA  with desktop.

Either these are the equations or there are parts or asm with configurations.
It is enough that the part/asm is saved in a different config than the one used in your asm, for it to be recalculated and therefore considered as having been modified and therefore requiring a backup (same with the equation).

Unless you have EPDM, there is nothing to visualize the links between files (nice macro to do but hello processing time).