Assembling an electrical cabinet


I'm looking for a way for the tops and bottoms of my electrical cabinet to follow the dimensions of the body of it in my assembly when I change its dimensions. All the parts are sheet metal.

Thus, I would like to be able to manage the depth, width, and height of the body without having to re-edit all the sketches of the other parts accordingly.

If anyone has ideas, I'm all for it.

Clément B.



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I advise you to try DriveWorksXpress which is free:




Simply bind the ribs in the assembly. You double click on the top or the bottom and there all your sides appear then you click on it and the side window opens and there you put = then double click on the body click on the side you want to link with and so on for the Length and width of the top and bottom.

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Otherwise another way that I often use is to make a template part and make the sheets in the assembly by retrieving the dimensions of the template part.

So to modify the part you just have to modify the dimensions of the template and all the sheets made in the assembly follow the dimensions of the template


yes ditto @ sbadenis

if you create an internal volume a box  at X mm of your assembly sheets

and that the dimension of these connecting plates relates to your internal volume

Every time you change your internal volume, your sheets will follow

@+ ;-)

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as .PL I recommend driveworks Xpress I work in safes (it's a bit the same principle as you but more resistant ^^) and its works super well

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Hi all

Unfortunately it is wrong that I go through the info service of my company to be able to install the driveworks module! I couldn't test.

The other problem that arises is because of the editing of the equations in an assembly, I will need a complete new construction.

For lack of time I won't dwell any longer on this project, but if one day I solve it I'll let you know.


In any case, I thank you for your help.



Hi all

Unfortunately it is wrong that I go through the info service of my company to be able to install the driveworks module! I couldn't test.

The other problem that arises is because of the editing of the equations in an assembly, I will need a complete new construction.

For lack of time I won't dwell any longer on this project, but if one day I solve it I'll let you know.


In any case, I thank you for your help.

