Phantom Assembly!



I have an assembly composed of several other assemblies, and, until now everything was fine but for 10 minutes I have had a small assembly that remains present in the tree but is no longer visible on the screen...

When I open this little assembly independently, ditto: nothing on the screen. On the other hand, if I open a part of this small assembly: it is visible.

In pj, a screen print where you can see the tree structure with the presence of the SPC-110A-CU500 sub-assembly but that you don't see in the image (this small assembly should be above the hole)...


Thank you for your help...


A restart of the workstation?

And by opening the assembly to another station?


Your assembly is empty, it does not contain any parts.




.PL, I tried to restart SW without success, I just tried on another computer, ditto... I may turn off the PC completely to see...

And yes Coyotte, my surprise is there... Normally this assembly consists of two parts...

Maybe deleted by someone else?

Or have you not tried to delete your assembly (I don't know about me to replace it elsewhere or whatever) but since several SW versions delete the selected part and not the assembly, maybe a lead...

Anyway, this deletion must not have happened like that by a miracle.



I just restarted, but nothing more...


When trying to open it at a colleague's house, we see for a fraction of a second the assembly on the screen and then it disappears....

Attempts to reload the parts that make up this sub-assemblies

See if you still have the constraints of these parts

or it is also possible that the name of the parts has been changed so he can't find anything in part 

What to see 


How many sub-assemblies do you have in your assemblage?

Are you obliged to have all your sub-assemblies active but over-lighten them to free up RAM

Same for your constraints once you're sure to move nothing more fix the whole sub-assembly

It will also allow you to free up memory and file size



Would the assembly or the parts in it not use the "SpeedPack" function because in this case the parts, faces... only appear if you have allowed them to be selected, and therefore displayed. If you hover your mouse around the graphics part, are there any entities that appear?

Kind regards

I tried, nothing helps.... I just redid my assembly.... Let's hope that this kind of misadventure doesn't happen again...

And in your subassembly, if you use this function

Show hidden components



This typically looks like the unintentional removal of parts from that subassembly from the head assembly.

Since the recording of this subset was not done live but by a higher assembly, the preview did not update. This would explain why you see the parts for a fraction of a second when opening this subset, the time it takes for the view to refresh.

If you have access to the MyCADTools suite, you can run VersionHistory which will show you the last operations on the subset file in question.


I had a similar problem, the whole thing was miles away from the original. He was so small that he seemed invisible.  So maybe in the constraints.