Flexible assembly



I'm in the process of setting up a profile door with sheet metal faces inside, glazing beads etc...


I inserted a hinge and I constrained him to rotate the door while respecting the opening and other games.


This hinge is a flexible assembly. As I had to put several on my door, I went through a repetition of components.


Except that when I open my door, it's only the hinge that I inserted first that moves, the rest is fixed.


Do you have a solution?


I attach a horizontal section of my assembly.


Thank you!


Hello Bart,

For your repetition of components you can, maybe use "insert components/Copy with constraints (which would make the other hinges more related to the 1st), than a linear repetition of components for example

Have you also made all your hinges flexible?

Sincerely, Nicolas


I went through a repetition to avoid adding them by hand, and this allows me to set them according to the height of the door more easily.


Repeated components are also flexible.

Are all the hinges flexible to look at in 

right-click on the hinge assembly icon - component property - and at the bottom right of the "flexible" or "rigid" window?


Sorry I didn't refresh the page before writing.


they all have the same support surfaces?

An insertion with constraints allows you to go fast to insert these parts and to set which constraints you want to keep, which also allows you to gather them in the feature manager

Are your constraints all placed in the same feature manager tree?

Is the constraint of the 1st piece in the same places as the others?


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I only forced one hinge, the other 2 are only repetitions.


but I can't do anything about it


They are all flexible, the proof in the picture :^p




The constraints can be "zapped", try to constrain each hinge in relation to the other to see if they work together.

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seen like this you should have maybe made a copy with the constraints and taken one of these constraints to position them in height


If I add a constraint on one of the other hinges, it blows the old one

What happens when you rebuild with a Ctrl+Q?

Is the repetition updated?


I'm afraid that the repetition is not adapted to your case.

Indeed, repeated assemblies or parts do not have any constraints of their own, they only follow the original object.


If your hinges don't follow the reconstruction, I think you'll have to insert the subset several times.

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In your attached image of the tree only one hinge is constrained

And the FAU STANDARD 2 AND 3 hinges are not under the same line as the FAU hinge STANDARD1 

It can't work, I think,

An insertion with constraints would solve your problem

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I just did a flexible assembly repeat test.

If you want your repeating hinges to follow the original, you need to add constraints between each hinge and the frames (or between each hinge and the original) so that the angle varies between the two pieces of your repeating hinges.



I personally agree with @pascal. The first one must be positioned, for example, leaving only the degree of freedom in rotation, then repeat and constrain the repeated pieces with, for example, a parallel constraint (the 1st with the original and then the others between them).

Kind regards

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Hello, same @jmsavoyat and @pascal that's how I constrain to have all of them moving at the same time.

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@Bart, can't afford to break down your hinge assembly? (maybe a problem with nomenclature references later?).


You would no longer have to worry about angles, your repetition would take the 2 components of the "hinge" and you would be able to control your repetition.


It seems to work well for this example (not applicable for more complex assemblies ! ).

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Hi @ Bart


See this tutorial



For my PAR on the use of flexible hinges


after many setbacks

and flexible assembly on the first level otherwise it doesn't work


I only constrain one with the degree of freedom desired by clapper

the others are slaves that are inserted one by one and not copy and coaxial constraints


This is what I do now and it works




Totally agree with GT22!! You constrain one and the other two according to the first.


Thank you all, I finally succeeded.


You just had to constrain the hinges compared to the original one, and there everything follows =)


See attached image


Have a good day everyone!
