Main assembly that frequently disappears from menus


I'm working on a particular assembly, and it frequently disappears from my Solidworks menus.
Let me explain: I never edit my parts directly in my assembly, I open them next to them to work on them. As a result, I very often switch from my main assembly to my sub-assemblies and parts. My base assembly is the file I switch to most often and frequently, it disappears from my Solidworks menu. At first, it disappears from my basic menu bar (see screenshot). To avoid closing-reopening Solidworks, I switch with Ctrl+Shift in order to "dodge" the bug. but after a while, it also disappears from the small window that opens with Ctrl+Shift... The only way for me to find it is to close all my open parts and sub-assemblies. It's as if he was "hiding" behind all the windows...
Has anyone ever encountered this problem? Is there a way to get around or solve this problem? (macro that would take me directly back to the targeted file, for example).

Thank you




The attached screenshot shows my part file which is open while there is my assembly which is too, but it disappears from this menu bar very often.

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And does it also disappear from the window menu in solid works? it looks like a bug!
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Using Ctrl+Tab you don't see it either? ( Super useful this shortcut )


The thumbnail that disappears at the bottom I also have it regularly. When there are multiple files open in SW it only shows a few.


For the CTRL+Tab (and not CTRL+Shift, or you have another shortcut), I never noticed this bug, all the files appear in the window when I hold the CTRL. When this happens, do you see the desired file in the Window/End drop-down menu?


The joys of SW 2014


to be heard on other sites or forums to the choices of the susceptibilities of each one


SW 2014 is the worst of all




I never use the thumbnails at the bottom, but always the Ctrl+Tab (and possibly the Window menu)


a short sill leads from one window to another

A long press brings up the thumbnails of open files.

@gt22, for the record, I'm on SW13 and I don't have access to my head assembly by the thumbnails!

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Sorry, yes, indeed, I'm a little tired, it's Ctrl+Tab...

No, after a while of work, my main assembly also disappears from the thumbnails with Ctrl+Tab... If it was just on the thumbnails at the bottom, it wouldn't bother me but when it disappears from the thumbnails that appear with the switch shortcut, it bothers me much more:(

There is no macro where you can target a file and come back to it every time by chance??



And in these moments, does your assembly appear in the "Window" menu of the toolbar?

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Are your graphics card drivers up to date?



@Benoit, I admit that I didn't look at that time if my assembly appeared in the window menu, I must say that I never go there, I'll look next time.

@flegendre, yes, my drivers are up to date

If you are still using the same assembly, you can also use the shortcut key "R" which opens a window with your recent documents. From there, you can pin down certain elements that will always remain displayed. It may be interesting in your case to pin your head assembly.


Maybe it will help you get around this bug!


Very good answer Benoit.LF, thank you very much, I hadn't thought about it at all;)