Assembly: Delete parts based on the value of a property


How to delete parts in an assembly at once based on the value of a property.

This process consists of deleting all the parts inside an assembly to keep only one envelope before being converted into a parts file.


With a "DELETE FOR CONVERSION"  property of the type yes/no.

Thank you

Kind regards.



You need to add a "Delete for conversion" configuration and then right-click on your components by selecting "configure component".


From there, you can delete them when one of your configurations is active.




I think you should use the advanced selection:

Thanks to this small query, you can only display in the 3D (or select in the tree directly) the components corresponding to a criterion, a personized property, very simply.

Then, it is very easy to delete them, hide them, or include them in a configuration.


More information on how advanced search works:


Choose the right custom property with the value = YES (or NO): Only these parts are selected in the build tree.

Then right-click on them (by holding the CTRL key?) to delete, delete, hide or include them in a configuration (see Bart's message above).

For the criteria, see this link: