Hello everyone,
I work on " big " assemblies and sub-assemblies (up to 3000 parts) with electric routing and tubing.
Between the R&D phase, prototypes, and production, there are now 5 " versions " of the machine in 3D.
To switch from one version to another, we used an " enregister under " of the main assembly, and of each subassembly that evolved.
So far, so good...
The problem is that some components (mainly routing) keep references with elements that are no longer current, unnecessarily overload the assemblies, and clutter the take-away compositions.
For example, in the example of the attached image (reference analysis in Solidworks Explorer):
Machine tree:
Main Assembly (A00227_V04)
-> Fluidic zone equipped A00227_V04
-> RI support equipped A00227_V04
The assembly analyzed is the RI support equipped V04
Two routing components: E10591-CP21 harness and TU17 tube
- Harness E10591-CP21 :
-> it references a " RI support equipped V02 " assembly, so an old obsolete version on the V04 machine we are working on today, and which is not the version in which this harness was first designed.
-> it references a " Fluidic Zone equipped A00227_V03" assembly, so an old obsolete version on the V04 machine we are working on today.
-> it references the main assembly " A00227_V04", so... the complete machine!
- TU17 tube:
-> it references a " Fluidic Zone equipped A00227_V03" assembly, so an old obsolete version on the V04 machine we are working on today.
-> it references the main assembly " A00227_V04", so... the complete machine!
-> he refers... to himself (reference in the context)
At the end, when I make a take-away composition of this small sub-assembly, I take a large piece of the machine with me!
So several questions :
- Why these relationships that persist when new versions exist ?
- Is it possible to " purge " these useless relationships (to the old versions, since more recent ones exist), or at least to update them?