Assembly Design can no longer find parts that already exist!

Hello everyone;  

I'm having a problem with Assembly Design (CATIA V5)

After saving and closing the software, I find an error message (when re-opening) which tells me that Assembly Design does not find

parts (which normally exist on the computer in CAT PART form). In addition, constraints change state to Waiting for Update. As soon as I do the update, they disappear, so they change position.

I would like to ask you: 

1/ Do you think that the origin of the problem is the modification (without paying attention) of the access channel to the rooms? 

2/ Can you advise me how to avoid this problem and solve it (for the current case)? 

Please consult the attached file to get a better idea.

Thank you in advance,

Yours sincerely,




1: yes it can be a lead but I have the impression that you have renamed the file. CATPart

In images  7 and 6 you have a "pebble" file. CATPart"  In image 4, CATIA looks for the file "subset pebble attachment num 1.CATPart" (was it the same file?).

The renaming of files should ideally be done from CATIA (not on Windows) with all the use cases (ASS) open in session, this way CATIA maintains the links.

2: once 1 is done correctly we use the "Recording Manager"

It is the one that tells us what is modified, and then it is up to us to manage the backup action(s) to be validated.


Ideally, you shouldn't change the name of the files, and work with all the files saved under the same directory (We all know that few projects lend themselves to this).



"Pebble. CATPart and  "1.CATPart Num Roller Attachment Subset" are two different files.

What I did is I renamed the files directly from the positioning folder (by simply clicking on rename). 

Based on your explanation, I understood that this is the origin of the problem and that I absolutely have to rename the file from Properties in Catia (origin file).

Thank you for your help. 

Kind regards


Yes, renaming on Windows is to be avoided.

Dixit: Based on your explanation, I understood that this is the origin of the problem and that I absolutely have to rename the file from Properties in Catia (original file).

Only when the file is created the "Reference" property is the same as the file name. Subsequently, when registering under (new name), the equivalence is not maintained (if desired, it must be done by hand).

This is precisely the most common mistake made when renaming on Windows. The file copy that is renamed (creating a variant for example) if you want to insert this new file in the same assembly, CATIA does not like "Warning Message" because even if the file name is different  the "Properties" "Reference" of the file is the same this property can only be changed from CATIA.


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