Solidworks Pairing - Excel

Hi all

Last time, I asked you about configurable parts.

But this time another question:

(I don't currently own Solidworks so it's impossible to test on my side)

I have an Excel document where all the data of my profiles, sheets, etc. are stored... (density, dimensions, ...), I must not touch this document in any way. It is in a way the specific reference bible of the company. 

I want to set up a part in SolidWorks, let's imagine, a sheet metal, and that the density parameter is not related to the material entered in SolidWorks but linked to my Excel file (without writing the name of the parameter in the Excel file but that Solidworks looks in this file for the value of the density according to the reference of the sheet)

How to go about it?

Thank you! 

Do I have to go through another Excel file linked to my configured part, which would fetch the information from the other Excel file (Bible) and copy it under my settings?


Yes, on the files I sent you. We did that.

We had copied the data base of the screws from the ERP into a sheet of the SolidWorks part hunger. Then, with Excel functions (in particular v-lookup), we retrieve the values for the inserted in the sheet that drives the part.

I hope I have helped you.

Indeed, we could go through an intermediate file or a macro.
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