Increase image quality


I have historically had quite a few files with minimal image quality.
History of use of computers with non-compatible graphics cards.
I would like to change the settings via macro but I can't find the command to change it.

Below is the picture of the parameters (lift) to be changed

Thanks in advance



A few small remarks

  1.  The image quality of your message has nothing to do with any improvement of a previously low-quality image. The quality of the image should not be confused with the quality displayed on the screen. The purpose of the adjustment in solidworks is to use the computer less with a precise display when it is not really useful.
    This feature was really useful ten years ago when computers and graphics cards were less powerful. Today, even in maximum display quality,  the machine does not slow down, especially with the 2019 version, for which they have made efforts to avoid jerky images during the rotations of  very large sets. For the basic part, it is impossible to see any difference with the old versions.
  2. An image recorded in a lower (or even blurry) quality will remain in this quality no matter what. If it's only the images you want to improve (nothing to do with the Parts and Asm) then you have to go through specialized photo software that can improve more or less images.

So for your problem SW will not be of any help to you, or I didn't understand anything at your request which is quite possible ;-)

Kind regards


I'm not an expert, but just to add an opinion, there is a pro version of Solidworks which also aims to have a good image quality, but it's more cher...@+.

Thank you Zozo


I expressed myself badly, it's not the image quality, the image resolution in shaded mode to improve the facets.
What I'm looking for is: is there a parameter to adjust the value of the 2 adjustment bars to switch them to high resolution (Image attached above).

As this setting and link to the file, I manually adjust it in the settings for each file I need.
I already have a macro that sets me a lot of parameters but not this one yet.



For shaded image resolution:

bRet = Part.Extension.SetUserPreferenceDouble(swUserPreferenceDoubleValue_e.swImageQualityShadedDeviation, swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified, 0.000155)
Debug.Print Part.Extension.GetUserPreferenceDouble(swUserPreferenceDoubleValue_e.swImageQualityShadedDeviation, swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified)

For the wireframe image resolution:

bRet = Part.Extension.SetUserPreferenceInteger(swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swImageQualityWireframeValue, swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified, 100)
Debug.Print Part.Extension.GetUserPreferenceInteger(swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swImageQualityWireframeValue, swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingNoOptionSpecified)

Kind regards