Increasing an Ø of a step file


I mainly work on parts of revolutions, and very often I need to increase the Ø of parts imported in .step without changing the geometry.

Going through a sketch breaks the link between the part and the drawing.

I would have to find a trick in the same principle as the "move the face" function, but to increase or decrease an Ø.

For example, the attached part has an Ø32 and it should be increased to a Ø37.

Does anyone have a solution?

Thank you in advance.



The function to move the face precisely also works with diameters :o 

Otherwise without modifying a sketch, it's going to be hard :/


But how to do it? 

I tried several times but I didn't succeed.

Thank you


You can launch FeatureWorks. It will recognize all the functions of the WWTP and you will be able to modify the diameter without adding any function...


The problem with your ring to use the move surface function is the rays everywhere unfortunately :-(

With a sharp-edged ring, it works properly.


Thank you for your responsiveness,

Indeed, the holidays are embarrassing.

Thank you very much ac cobra 427 I hadn't thought of that, it's a solution that will help me out, on the other hand you have to reconstrain all the sketches.

Are there other solutions?

Just fix them. It's faster than from the side. Selecting the sketch and then fixing

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I found, insertion==>featureworks==>options==>dimensions/relations and then you have to activate the automatic dimensioning of sketches. Most of the sketches will be constrained.

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