Automate the insertion of a bracket on profiles

Hi all 

I'm looking to automate (or semi, as long as it facilitates) the constraints related to a square component in my assembly. More precisely, I try to position the brackets  as automatically as possible in the corners presented in the document in the PC. Do you have any proposals for solutions? I would like to point out that the chassis is designed from a welded construction and not 1 profile = 1 piece.

The tools I thought of: 
- Linear repetition;
- Constraint reference;
- Sketch-driven repetition (3D, which I use to define my chassis)
- Magnetic constraints -> this does not seem suitable in the case of a profile;
- Smart Component -> this doesn't fit my use case because I don't add or create functions.


For lack of anything better, you place one with the 3 constraints and you copy with the constraints.

You can even copy your bracket with the screws if needed.


Hello @sbadenis ,

Finally that's what I did after contacting support ! After a quick use, it's a good utility that allows you to do exactly what I want!