With draftsight: zoom to the layout 1 object space


Used to working on autocad.

a) Generally I make my plan at scale 1 in the Object space. 

b) Then I put myself in Layout1 and I import a title block also in scale 1

c) I create a window in layout1.

d) given the size of my plan, I see that I have to take it out on a scale of 1:50

e) So in layout1, I switch to Object space and there ZoomScale: 1/50xp

f) So I have my view at the desired scale... and I can print my plan.


Well, so now I'm switching to Draftsight (free version)

I do the same thing a)b)c)d)


In layout1 I can't find an Icon allowing me to switch to Object/Paper space

but by double clicking on the frame that is already proposed in layout1 I notice that

indeed I pass well in the Object space:)

On the other hand, the "zomScale"1/50xp" manip doesn't really work?


So is there a way to scale my plan to the desired scale in layout1 by keeping a title block to scale1?


Thank you if you have a solution to offer me:)





Try this.

When you are in the paper space, click on the window on which you want to change the scale so that it is active,

Then type the command: zoom xp and then enter your scale


It's "Old School" but it should work

Yes indeed it works but it only makes a ZoomScale compared to the view currently displayed and not compared to the window I opened in layout1 :(

ha, I had misunderstood...

I have to look then, because personally, I usually import my cartridge into the paper space, I make Fmult to visualize the object space and I don't use layout 1.

I'll get back to you a little later to tell you what happens.

thank you for your answer;; But if you place your cartridge in the paper space, it's because you're in layout1 (or presentation1)

So yes, you open multiple windows, no worries. But the question is always the same to settle if for example you want 1:50 in window1 and 1:2 in window2... The ZoomScale does indeed create a zoom but without really any real link to the said windows.


Thank you if you can find the trick;)


I don't really understand what you mean by "without any real link between the windows"?

Insofar as the scales of views are different, there are none?


Did you simply use the properties section?

If you select the view (or window in DraftSight) on the properties on the left, you have a drop-down menu and a text box where you can specify a scale...


If nothing is selected, it is the sheet

I took a screenshot to illustrate what I am saying.


Now maybe I misunderstood the problem?


Fab gave the right answer I think... Nothing better to add. Thank you Fabrice

Yesiii thank you it works well like this ;)