Circular scanning on a non-flat surface

Hello everyone, I have a slightly technical question about an advanced scan function:

I warn you, it's a bit complicated to explain but I'll do my best!

(I tried to do the best I could on the quality of the images, but it's complicated, I can complete if needed)

I would need to model a circular sweep type body, defined by a trajectory fixed on a plane, with tangency from the outside of the section to a non-planar surface.

A little picture to digest all this:

For the avenues I have already explored:

1/ Profile section on front plan:

- the swept body only follows the surface on the upper edge of the profile

2/ Profile section on a plane normal to the guide curve:

- Swept body crosses guide surface

3/ Profile trajectory with normal guide curve to the face

-the trajectory curve of the swept body is not on a plane

- the swept profile is tangent to the surface along its entire length

Do you have any ideas?

Maybe in the mold function?

Thanks in advance!


Hello Wannetouhane,

I suggest that you first use an offset surface (which will therefore be offset in a normal way to the original surface), then scan according to the intersection curve between this new surface and your plane. I am attaching my SolidWorks 2019 part, which gives this result:


Thank you for the answer, quick too!

It could work except that, small problem, the offset surface function, or even thicken the surface is not available on the whole of my final piece I think that some surface radii are too small, maybe even badly stitched.

Another thing, ideally, I would like to control this part by variables, and these functions do not allow the parameterization :(


Regarding the configuration of these functions, it works. All you have to do is be a bully and write an equation driving the D1 dimension of the function. In my case:

For the surface shift failure, that's the best I can do with this statement. But I'm afraid you can't find anything better.


It's working, it's already super useful, I'm not very familiar with variables but I'm going to dig into the bully method, it should be a joke.

Thank you all so much!

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Hello @ mgauroy

Very clever the separation line, since you can't use the rolling function which only works on the cylinders.

I learned something! Thank you and have a good weekend  ;-)

Kind regards

  PS:  I feel like I'm going to have to put this example in my Tutorial on the "separation line"   function ;-)