Multiple Swept Base/Boss from a Single Sketch Impossible: Solution?

Hi all

I was thinking of modeling a webbing of my packages using the "Base/Bossage Swept" function with a circular profile on the lines of my sketch.

Only SolidWorks only performs a scan on a single continuous line, when it is multiple broken lines it does not understand.

Do you have a practical solution to avoid making the straps one by one? (1 sketch + 1 function for each!: a bit lousy)

Thank you. Kind regards.


Can you put some pictures of what you want to do because I'm not sure I understand.

Kind regards

I have a 3D sketch including all the lines that symbolizes the axis of the straps:

But these lines are discontinuous, split between them, except the base/swept boss function only works on a continuous line.

SolidWorks seems to be waiting for a sketch + base/swept boss for each strap in my case.

I don't know if there wouldn't be a more effective solution?


The Welded Constructions module could meet your needs.
The first step is to create the profile (section) of the strap, in the form of a 2D sketch in an annex part, and to save it in sldlfp format in the profiles folder (
C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\weldment profiles).

Subsequently, the Mechanically Welded Element function of the module must be used.
The profile is selected first, and then the groups of entities that should be scanned by that profile. Several groups are possible in the same function.
The only cumbersome thing is that the entities are selected one by one...

Kind regards.



Not stupid the use of welded construction.
There may not even be a need to create a profile if the idea is just to have a representation, as much as there is something in the standard SW bib that will suffice.
And I will avoid storing my personal profiles in the standard SW folder: at the first change of version / reformatting of the machine, it's lost. Multiple paths can be defined for welded construction profiles.

Otherwise, 2 tracks:
- make a body repetition after having modeled one;
- Blend.

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