Batchconverter - mount mep


I use BatchConverter to output the MEPs in PDF/DXF. And I just saw that he doesn't mount every mep...

Here is my manipulation:

- under SW, I open the MEP of the assembly

- Under BatchConverter, I import this MEP with the Part/Assembly/MEP filters enabled.

- batch assembles all the parts and sub-assemblies related to the main assembly.

- I ask to assemble all the MEPs associated with the parts and assemblies present.

- but since 1 hour, batchconverter no longer calls all the MEPs...


Any idea about this pb? (except that batchconverter is already gone for the weekend! )

I noticed this, when for an assembly batchconverter only mounted 5 mep instead of the 90 planned.

Rq: when I try the composition with the assembly, sw finds all the mep...

And if you only select the drawings and do the conversion, does it work?

When I select a single part (which blocks with the assembly), BatchConverter mounts the corresponding MEP.

@DreamBen: once he found the MEPs, no PB for conversion. he does it well.

I don't understand what you mean by: "I select a single part (which blocks with the assembly)."


A restart of SolidWorks and the station?

Are the MEPs all in the same file?

The parts too?


Is the latest version of the utility installed?

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Well I stopped looking last night. A little delay on the answers because lynkoa on such, it does not record the answers... and still not practical to use.

@dreamben: If I select a part in batchconverter, and then mount the MEP of that part, no problem.  If I select the assembly containing that same part, batchconverter no longer mounts the MEP associated with the part.


@pl: MEPs are in the same repertoire as the play. But not all the pieces are necessarily in the same repertoire.

The latest version of the utility used.

Well I'll test again on Monday now. We'll see if it goes better...

Have a good weekend.

Ok, well when I use this software, I don't ask it that much :).

I just select the files I need to convert and then I do my conversion (e.g. drawings). Then if I need to export it for all the pieces in step or x_t, I make a new selection.

I think that in the end it doesn't waste a lot of extra time.

That's fast when everything is in the same repertoire. Because when you have to go and get them right or left, it becomes time-consuming, doesn't it? And then usually it works properly. We'll see if the weekend has put her ideas back in place!
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Verify that the option visible on the attached image is selected correctly

It allows you to do what you want...

See you.


What's new?

No news, I half solved the problem by taking the first subassembly first in batch, and there all the components mount well.

But still not with the main assembly.

And I have to go back to the hotline again to try to understand...


Let's say that pl's answer is valid because batch didn't reproduce the problem with the hotline...

So some restarts of the station may have solved the pb?!?