BatchConverter: X different PDF names for X number of sheets


I'm working on export rules with BatchConverter. 

Initial situation: 

  • An SLDPRT file with two configurations
  • A property named "Export" created with SmartProperties that retrieves the name of the active configuration
  • A drawing with two sheets, one for each configuration

I want, with BatchConverter: 

  • Create two PDFs, one for each sheet
  • Retrieve the "Export" property as a rule to name the two PDFs


  • When I start the conversion, BatchConverter will look for the Export property of the part of sheet 1
  • The PDF 1 created is aptly named
  • When BatchConverter switches to Sheet 2, it applies the same value as it did for Sheet 1
  • The created PDF 2 is misnamed and replaces PDF 1
  • Conversely, if I start with sheet 2

Note: my coding system is too long to simply name the sheet with this code and look for the name of the sheet. 

If anyone has an idea on how to tell the BatchConverter to fetch the Export property at EVERY sheet change, I'm all for it!

Thank you:)


I guess you go by "value of a property of the referenced document", "Export"?

If so, it's probably a bug that you can report by creating a ticket at the Visiativ hotline.

And if it's not a bug but considered as normal behavior you can make an upgrade request to Visiativ.

To do this, you press ! in batchconverter and then on report a request.

In the meantime, instead of naming your Export property, maybe you should rename your sheets and assign the file name = to the name of the sheet?

Only other solution found to possibly  help you out.

Edit: Maybe by going through  Integration.

With the following condition

And: If the document is a plan

And as an Operation

Plan, Export File

And in options:

Export: Export all sheets in separate files

And in renaming rule: Simplified

Completely replace the name, value of a property of the referenced document "Export"

Hopefully, Integration better manages the value of this property.

Integration is very complete and allows a lot of additional things compared to Batchconverter.

To try it is to adopt it!