Need advice on motors, gearboxes and cylinders


Happy New Year 2016 to all.

After several years in transport, I will join a position as a mechanical draughtsman.

I am resuming my BTS classes.

I wonder about the current state of the art.

A few questions 

- Servo motors, brushless motors, stepper motors, geared motors :

                   Difference, use cases 

                   Price difference

                   Recommended brand for stepper motors

- Gearbox recommended for mounting on a servo motor (to have a + high torque)

                   A recommended brand?

- Inventory of electric/pneumatic cylinders

                  Cases of employment, lifespan, consumption, ..

                  Price difference

For machine design, there is always nothing better than the draftsman's guide?




In terms of books, there is the Guide to Industrial Science and Technology which details certain courses better than the Chevalier.

Otherwise, there are the Précis de Construction Mécanique , volume N°03 of which is adapted to the dimensioning.


Thank you Alain.

I know the 3 books.

But I find that they are not complete  enough for machine design.

Have a good weekend



It's not direct links but if you look a little you find a lot of docs (I don't put a direct link because I shouldn't have them all..)

I downloaded a lot of "techno meca" and "techno without borders" docs. I haven't read everything but the one on the sizing of an axle motor is not bad

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