Need help: Leave impossible

Hello, I have a catia plan that I'm trying to redo (for my internship) except that I have a small piece that I can't redo can you help me? <--- plan



The tangent radius I guess

Use the "outline" command

Draw the first segment on the right but don't release the left mouse click, drag, choose the side and then let go of the left click.


Yes, we can help you, but given the simplicity of the room and the fact that you have both essential views. I don't really see what the problem is.

I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that you do not indicate on the attached map in JPG the area that is causing you problems.

Come on, I'm making a bet!   ;()     These are the rays that you misinterpret, what in the past we called short interrupted lines.

I think I'm blind but I can't find the outline button: /



Oui nous pouvons vous aider mais vu la simplicité de la pièce et vu que vous avez les deux vues essentielles. Je ne vois pas trop ou est le problème.

J'attire votre aimable attention sur le fait que vous n'indiquez pas sur le plan joint en JPG la zone qui vous pose problème.

Allez je fais un pari !    ;()     ce sont les rayons que vous interprétez mal ce que dans le temps nous appelions des traits interrompus courts.

To answer you, it's not a problem that I misinterpret the "short interrupted lines" which by the way have not changed their name. 
2nd thing: excuse me if I have moments where there are some "simple" things that make me struggle a little, it's only been 1 year that I've been doing Catia and I probably don't have your exceptional experience on Catia. My deepest apologies. (green very well understood and the difficulty is on the red rectangle)

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  Hello @julien.aufray51 I may have been a bit fast because you have a PB on the two shapes that are not perfectly offset, the image on the left is your file, the one on the right mine, you have a PB of continuities or values on the radius so the scan doesn't go over your part.


Here are a few PBs to fix:

In red PB the points are not symmetrical (angle)

In orange, the tangencies are missing.


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I modified the offset, but my radius still doesn't pass, when I want to do it it adds material to me and suddenly I am no longer the 17 length of the punch.

J'ai rectifier cette différence, mais j'ai toujours le même problème, mon rayon de 13 ne veut pas se faire, j'arrive à placer un rayon maxi de 5 au delà il me rajoute de la matière et réduit mon poinçon.


I think I have solved the defects you have told me.

Then what do I need to do to get this angle right? I tried the R13 leave but still nothing, he took it out of the room in simulation.


There is over-quotation on the plan we cannot guarantee the value and continuity in tangency.

From my point of view, I will guarantee the tangencies and radius values, not the position dimensions of the meeting points.

 I used a sweep not a leave. 

EDIT: if you want to use a leave you have to tell Catia not to change.


Here is the result after having done the leave like you: 

PS: I've never done anything other than Part Design (no need until now) so I've never used balayage

If you notice in my file I have the continuity in tangency (selection of a single element of the edge) the red line continues in a dotted line.

On your file you had to select two elements because the edge is not continuous in tangency.


EDIT: (the scan function in PartDesign is called "Rib")



I must be a little stupid or very inexperienced still on Catia, but you put in tangency in relation to what?

I can't change my dimensions to put only tangents, the part wouldn't be fixed. Here is the test after modification


PS: I will update you the updated version with (I think) what you told me to modify.



Hello PB of tangencies corrected but there is still a PB of offset between the two sketches.

The offset values are 1.5mm except for the radius of connection circled in red only 0.5mm. This offset must be constant, otherwise we cannot sweep or create a leave.

Personally I would delete the entire outline in the sketch.3,

I would use the command "projection of 3D elements" with the selection from the sketch graph.2.

I would transform into building blocks.

I would use the "Offset" -1.5mm command.

Thank you very much, I learned several things thanks to this (especially fab ways that I had never used)