I'm looking for a feature that I saw on an Excel file several years ago. In this file, there was a range of cells surrounded by a blue frame (not blue borders, the blue came from the feature). It was a file that was used to clock in our hours and so when we arrived at the last line of the input range, a line was automatically inserted so that we could enter other lines without fiddling. It was not a macro, but an Excel function.
A representation to illustrate what I remember:
So by typing in line 5, a line is automatically inserted and so on. The area in blue is gradually expanding.
In the table of the attached classifier, if you fill in your cells by going to the next one by pressing the [TAB] key. Once in the last cell, a new row will be created with the table formatting.
Tables in Excel bring a lot of things: automatic formatting, sorting, gives a name to the range, gives a name to each column and is used in formulas....
More information: https://support.office.com/fr-fr/article/Utiliser-des-tableaux-Excel-pour-g%C3%A9rer-les-informations-1c3d9852-4b0b-4496-a1fc-30c5121fb05e?ui=fr-FR&rs=fr-FR&ad=FR