Need to explain external references

Hello, I would like to clarify a point about external references.

When you create a part in relation to others in an assembly, it takes external references.

My question is the following, when I rename the said assembly what should I do so that the relationships are not lost. And if so, how do you update everything?

Thank you.

Hello, the best way to not lose anything is to make compositions to take away.


This allows you to rename all the rooms and the assembly, without losing anything.


See image: File/composition to take away.



It seems to me that we keep the external references when we do a save-under of an assembly, right?

Otherwise, to check or update, when opening the assembly, before clicking on open when you have already selected it, you have a "References" button.

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It's true that there is Lucas' solution too.


I'm attaching an image to illustrate his words =)


On the other hand, personally, to be sure of my move and not to get confused, as soon as I change the names of the part or assembly or mep, I make a take-away comp, it limits the risk of error.



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@Bart thank you I know and it's not what I need.

@.PL that's precisely where I'm in the dark.


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Personally, with a simple "Save As" in Solidworks, I don't lose anything and I don't have to do anything special to find my parts (not valid with a "Rename" from the explorer).

However, in order for there to be no problems and for it to work, you must open your parts from the assembly.


Ha, I just reread your question... I had misunderstood.
If you rename your main assembly, no links will be lost. Links that get lost are only if you change the name of one of your parts (or subassemblies) of your main assembly. (unless you do as I say above)

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Ok, that's why I added an image to show what Lucas meant.

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To answer your question:

"When I rename the said assembly what should I do so that the relationships are not lost"


-Rename your parts or assembly as you wish.


Click on file/open

Hover over the assembly and click on references as in the image.

Then click on the parts that are in the left pane and select replace.

Finally, click on the new part or assembly or other

Open everything and save.


In addition, if you just want to rename your assembly, just do them, when you open the assembly again, Sw will ask you to match the references or not. Click yes, and you're done =)


Lock and break external references

You can lock, unlock, or break the external references of components or features created in the context of an assembly and the external references of various types of derived parts.

When you lock the external references of a component, existing references are no longer updated, and you cannot add new references to that component.

Once the external references are unlocked, you can add new references or edit existing ones.

When you break external references, existing external references are no longer updated and cannot be restored. You can add new references to the component. You can replace broken sketch relations with sketch relations that do not reference the assembly.

You can select a single item and list all of its external references. You can lock, unlock, or break the set in one go.

You can select the top-level assembly or a subassembly and list all the components in its hierarchy that contain external references. (Individual references are not listed.) You can lock, unlock, or break the external references of all listed components or only the selected ones.

To lock, unlock, or break external references:

  1. In the FeatureManager authoring tree:
    • For an individual part, right-click on the function, component, body, or part.
    • For all parts in the hierarchy of a subassembly, right-click the subassembly.
    • For all parts in the hierarchy of the entire assembly, right-click the assembly name at the top of the tree.
  2.  Click List External References.


    This is available only for objects with external references.


  3. View the information and set the options in the External References for dialog box.

    The options vary depending on whether you have selected an individual part or an assembly.

  4. Click OK .

Solidworks Explorer (provided as standard) is the tool (excluding PDM or equivalent) to manage external refs.

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We can also explain the parent/child levels in the following order:

1 - Drawing: They can be renamed at will without any consequences.

2 - Assembly: If it is renamed, the link will be lost with the drawing but not with the parts/sub-assembly.

3 - Part/sub-assembly: If they are renamed, the link will be lost with the assembly and drawing of each renamed part/sub-assembly.


Philippe summed it up very well!


we can't be clearer =)


Thank you Philippe!


Thank you all for your answers, it's a little clearer.

I will do tests to master this aspect according to your answers.


Have a nice day