Lynkoa Component Library - My Cad?


I can no longer access Padlock from the site's component library. In addition, when I go to Traceparts, I am asked for an identifier.

Could you check if you have the same problem or if I am an isolated case?

I have the impression that it's not there yet since the merger of the 2 sites, I'm having more and more trouble finding what I'm looking for.


Thank you

Indeed, same problem: the Lynkoa login is no longer recognized on the TracePart tab!

Tries to see with @ J m Savoyat 

He's into it according to my information

@+ ;-))

Ok thank you. And for the Padlock not found access?

What access to Padlock? Did you have a Padlock tab in addition to Trace Parts?

Yes, via mycadservice though, but since everything has merged...

On that I can't tell you, I don't have MyCAD services.

@gt22: Yes, I'll try but first, I'll wait to see if anyone passes by in the corner first!

There is a news on the front page to say that Traceparts has been updated but I hope they haven't removed Padlock!

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For me the 2 work (TracePart and Padlock). Try opening a call (Hotline ticket) or via "contact us" at the bottom right of this page, because this is not a general problem!

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Yes, I already thought I had a first opinion to open anything. It's not "general" but obviously, I'm not the only one concerned.


PS: Not where are you going? Which tab can I use to access Candenas?

It also works for me.

Normal links from the bib3D.

Ok, so it looks like it's internal to mycad, thanks :)

I'll see with the hotline.

The digital transformation of companies sometimes leads to the grouping or separation of entities. This leads to a change in the referencing of your contracts in our database. These are not necessarily scheduled on the anniversary date of their renewal. You no longer have access to the "SUPPORT" tab.

In this case, do not hesitate to use the email to inform us of this problem and we will update the connection of your myCADservices/Lynkoa account.

Kind regards


Yes, thank you @jm. I didn't understand until afterwards but Clementine unblocked the situation quickly and it's all ok since this morning.

Thank you again:)