Copper Fridge Tube Bookcase


I am looking for a copper tube library with bends, reductions, ... in diameters fridge in inches.

I therefore appeal for help to anyone who knows where to find this or who has it in stock.

Kind regards.

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You should be able to find what you are looking for there I think;) ClsID=/ROOT/C23/C23.040/C23.040.040/&tp=1&st=0&Lang=en&Class=TRACE&fwsid=GLOBALV3&ttl=Fittings+m%C3%A9talliques%2c+piping


On the other hand, for the dimensions in inches, you will have to convert. That said, when I see Ø17.2, I tell myself that it must be an inch converted to mm at the base. So it must work for you

It's not necessarily in the right material, but it can be changed.

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I think the best thing you can do is to create it completely according to your needs

and + in a personal library folder by creating your routing points and others

See also this tutorial

With this link you will find what to do via the PDFs

you also have the SW library the one of the States it is in inch


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I could use this kind of library but there are a lot of modifications to be made, it only saves me a lot of time rather than doing everything myself.

If I can't find something better, I'll still take these coins , thank you for your help.

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I don't really see the changes to be made, apart from the material, but so be it.


Otherwise, why not go to your supplier's website or ask them directly? 

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I have to modify all the diameters and add a lot. and my suppliers don't have a library.