
Hi all.


I'm in the process of updating my Solidworks library on the work pc.

I have almost the same library on my laptop. Apart from the fact that the design files are not necessarily tidied up the same.

So, problem, when I make a welded construction on one workstation and I make a composition to take away, on the other workstation it doesn't find its way back to the profiles.


Question: To avoid this kind of problem, do you think that putting all my library at the root of my disk (C:) on the 2 computers would work?

As I speak to you, the work library is on the server in a folder. If I put all at the root, will I lose all my welded constructions?


Thank you for your answers =)

In fact, I'm afraid of putting my 2 libraries in the root of my 2 workstations and losing all the references...


I have a database of parts that spans 5 years, it would bother me to have to start all over again....





Why not make a mix of the two, take the sketches  from folder A and put them in folder B and vice versa.

May the force be with you.

The problem is that when opening a project on my laptop, it looks for the profiles on the server. (See image)


So, I'm afraid that by putting everything in the same place (at the root of C:/) it will look like on my laptop.


Edit: It's a bit of a beginner's question, but I've never asked myself the question.

I  guess epdm or other can solve this problem, I don't have all that...^^


It must be able to do it but I'm afraid that the first time you open them, that you'll have to fill in the way.


What I do in these cases, I open one of the pieces of the library before opening the assembly. As SW sees the part, it will automatically look for missing parts in this path.

The key is to do it at least once for each assembly.

Sometimes it doesn't work but 90% of the time it does.


Have you looked to add a second table in the options, file location?


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For parts and assemblies, no problem, but it is especially for welded constructions.


It would be necessary to be able to migrate the database by updating all the plans...^^

It must exist but hey, I'm already going to clean up my folders as much as possible, archive, then redo everything clean at the root.

I'm waiting a few days, to see if there are no other solutions.


Why not store the libraries with the same addresses on the laptop as the work PC, taking care to give the right address in the options, space of the files. This way it's always the same address whether it's laptop or work.




Hi Bart.


I have a bit of the same problem as you: when my info service decided to change the server physically (for a bigger, so cool), the access path for the mechanically welded was lost.


On the other hand, I have absolutely no problem with it in my designs. By this I mean that the piece always has the sketch in memory and can therefore continue to exist. It's a little more problematic when I want to change sections, but in this case I'll point back ... Especially since you have the same library, so it shouldn't be a problem to hang on to it.


Anyway, otherwise to answer your question, I would avoid as much as possible to put everything on the PC physically (hello the hassle in case of a crash)

BUT, I may have a workaround for you. Why not work with an external hard drive on your laptop that you would name after your server?

Having worked in a small design office that was a subcontractor for a large group, this is what we did. the DD had the same structure and paths as the client's server. So when he got back to school, everything was going very well (at least for the finding of parts. For studies it was something else ^^)


Edit: Or, as @Obiwan proposes , you should share your disk on the laptop by renaming one of the two as your server and the other as the work PC

@Obiwan, the file at work is on the server.


So it has a server address ( //SRV.... (P:/)/Plan/Libraries etc......

@Coincoin, I thought yesterday in bed. ^^And I came to the same conclusion as you.


Either make a partition on my disk to do like the server, or rename my disk, or even better, an external or internal hard drive that I add just for my libraries.


I think I'll do it like that.

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@Bart, I hope the person next to you in bed isn't jealous of Solidworks:D


But yes, it seems to me to be the simplest. On the other hand, you have a small risk of having to repoint everything a first time since your root will change its name. But you'll be quiet afterwards!

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Will you regularly duplicate the bibs from the server to your disk and vice versa?

Because the risk of the external drive is that it can crash. I had the problem a few years ago with an ssd (so no noise indicating an approaching end of life). Well then, with a backup, it's fine except when you forget.

In fact, I design my database a little at home and a little at work.


And since I work on the 2 positions, it's still a bit of a problem...


the external drive solution would work but it adds an extra element to carry...



(Yes, there is a jealous Sw in the bed^^) it's a source of conflict but hey.... =)