Several times one of my assemblies is stuck after modifying a part that is part of my assembly when trying to go back to mpon assembly a message of this type is displayed "waiting to rebuild a file". And from then on, it was impossible to close my open part, my assembly and even SolidWorks, forced to ctrl alt sup to be able to close the software.
Can you explain or help me to find out why this happens
I can't tell you exactly why it gets stuck but it happens to me relatively often. You don't have to do "ctrl alt sup ", you just have to do some action and then it suggests you to continue or stop.
The question is how to reduce the frequency of this type of crash.
This I have observed empirically. The crash is always due to a part but almost always to an ASM included in the larger one. Very frequently in the sub-ASM there are one or more constraints that put the souk in place.
1°) close the large ASM as well as all open parts files. Rebooter SW 2°) Isolate the sub ASM that puts the souk by putting it in another directory and renaming all the files using the "pack and go" function. (Note: my little friends on the forum will tell you how to cut the links).
3°) To improve it is necessary in all sub-ASMs to delete all the constraints that are useless (not to delete but to delete permanently).
4°) Delete the ASM sub that puts the souk in your big ASM, reboot the big ASM and then reintegrate the subASM put in the closet with pack and Go.
That's it, it's not very scientific, but it works at least for me;-). It's a story of corrupted links or functions in a corrupted room or sub-ASM.
In the most extreme case I completely redid the sub-ASM or I modify a part to get rid of the slag that is jamming the thing.