Block on solidworks

Hello, here is a picture of the part that I would like to redo but I can't do it, I've been on it for a while and I'm watching some tutorials on youtube but I'm ramming too much.

What I can't do is change the direction of the grooves on the top of the part

If someone could point me in the right direction, it would be nice!

Thank you in advance! 






Look at the sweeps.


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What version are you in and can you post your piece???


Thank you very much for your answers!!

Is it solidworks 2015:)


Good evening Gaui

You have the exclusive choice of doing several material removals by scanning.

So far, almost nothing to say except that you could do a single swipe instead of two, but that's not the problem so far.

Where it becomes Ajaccio: sorry where it is difficult to make the turn.  Be careful with the minimum  radius to be done in smooth boss base.

To simplify, it would be prudent to make only half of the part and then make a symmetry. This way, you will only have to make half a turn, which is easier.

Kind regards



yes that's exactly what I'm trying to do, but impossible to make the turn because the part goes at 45°...  

Hello Gaui

You have embarked on a strange adventure.

First of all, you should already remove the defects you have in your piece (in sketch 12).

In addition, the shape already drawn is wrong with respect to the model because the groove of sketch 1 and the boss extrudes1 . The shape should be circular off your extrusion "boss extrude1" is straight up.
I'm not talking about your spline which has a underdraft and this spline whose stitches are not smoothed (too many stitches to draw the shape)

In addition, I don't know how you will make your part, but if it is in 3D printing or worse in a foundry, but you will not be able to have a sharp edge at the bottom of the throat as you have modeled it.

   ( @tous  for information : the width of the bump circles is 2.76 mm )


The attached image shows that the connection between the existing shapes and those to be created requires going through the surface.
I don't know your level of knowledge of SolidWorks but it is a complex shape that requires mastery of the generation of complex shapes, and to know how to work on several nested planes and curved surfaces.

My little comrades and nevertheless strong colleagues in the field of surface and advanced functions will tell you how to do it.

Kind regards



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Hi @ all

See attached image

can do better, there are still a few points to be settled, this is only one approach

but a lot of work

@+ ;-)


Hello houa thank you all for your answers it is really very nice!

@Zozo mp 
Yes it's clear I embarked on a funny adventure mdrr But hey it makes my Solidworks work ^^

I know a little about Solidworks, I've been doing it for more than 10 years but as an amateur and I've never made parts that don't have non-geometric surfaces so easy to make but as soon as it's surfaces that are not flat or other I'm lost...
Originally I did a baccalaureate and BTS milling turner and Solidworks I can't count the bumps I can go over it anymore. But debilitating her studies is that you work on Solidworks, but it's up to you to know how to use it, I've never had any training or anything so you don't necessarily get into good habits far from it...

For the part, it's an aesthetic part that comes from a tube radio that is more than 100 years old, so let's just say that there is not the slightest face and shape the same, mdrr This one will indeed be made in 3D printing:)

@Gt22 Can you explain how to make sure that I am doing it again please thank you in advance! :)

ps: sorry for your eyes I know I don't write...  

And thank you again 1000 times for your answers!  :)


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Is it possible to have


Top-down  view left right

Thank you

@+ ;-)



Good evening

I had anticipated the circular shape in hollow below the room.

Some remarks on the shape in the attached image



I used a simple method in which we do  not use the surface.

Here is the result.




Here's the volume with two ripples.

Just make as much ripple as you want as in the model.

Kind regards



ha yes well!! I really hadn't thought of doing like that what a com ! mdr 
thank you very much I will test its on Monday evening^^ 


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Good evening

Here is the complete model

The dimensions are not good and neither are the proportions: but this is only to show the principle.

Kind regards

If you can read the 2018 version, say so! I would post the model because there are some traps with the spokes everywhere  :-)


Hi Zozo

here is what I understood but I could be wrong ;-(

for me all the bleme of the room

consisted of creating smooths that follow a decreasing slope from the heart of the piece to the tip

and on the opposite of it the smoothing must have been on the same plane

which means that there is no identical smoothing other than symmetry

@+ ;-)

Good evening@gt22 To answer this question, a tutorial has been created. To access it, follow this link: Tutorial for creating radiated parts starting at 90°

Hi @ Zozo

I just viewed your tutorial ;-)

I'm posting the file 

which is a takeover of the applicant's file

so its part exists as well as tests

my tree is completely rotten (loaded) and needs to be very purified ;-)

but the principle is there under SW 2017

@+ ;-)

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