Hello, How do I make this sheet metal part? I have to have it laser cut. Thanks in advance

I have to make this part with two straight sheets and two bent sheets for the bend sheet?  


Good evening

too recent for me. I'm not the only one in my opinion. Can you make a step out of it?

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yes I can do a step 

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Hello @Pascal.bospac,

If I have correctly interpreted your question and your sketch of a hood (?), my proposal in 4 sheets is attached (SW2021).
Based on a single smoothed surface and 4 Convert-Volume functions (actually convert a surface...).

And why not make it in just 2 sheets?
Kind regards.

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Thanks for the info.
How do I make sure the piece doesn't get twisted? I can't figure out how to make a surface, just read.  


Good evening

After designating sketch1 and sketch2 as the smoothing profiles, you must select the segments of sketch 3D2 as guide curves one by one, to force the plane definition of the faces.
Each edge is a guide curve, validated using the SolidWorks Selection Manager (see description here).


Hello and have a good day cm
A big thank you for your answers, it was very useful to me

A big thank you for your answer, I made my part successfully, remove functions in your shaft and renew the shaft, I make the part successfully. When I make a new part, made the surfaces or which, but that's it for the sheet metal function, I have good repeating  the function soludwoks tells me to choose a flat face .  For what?


If you are wondering about the Convert to sheet metal function, you should know that it requires you to designate a flat face which will be the fixed face when unfolding the part.
It is also from this face that the folds of the neighboring faces are selected.

Hello cm.


My sheet metal conversation  problem  , the square of 755/745 I had made a leave and then erased the leave to make a slit . A big thank you