Hello, how can I make cuts to show sections on autocad?

1- I would like to make three sections as shown in attachments A, B and C to show the section which is in polygon form necessarily.

2- Is it possible to draw flat surfaces in 3D on solidworks? (see attachment)


First of all to clarify the context: currently the bottle is modeled with Autocad apparently?
To make a cut in Autocad of a volume, I only remember one thing: it's a hassle (when you know SW or equivalent).
If you have access to SW, make a parasolid export of your Autocad file, you will benefit.
There is no particular problem in generating flat faces. Initially, I will start with a removal of material by extrusion on 2 sides based on a radial plane.


In the PRT part file

You have to create "plans" at each desired place

then on each plan right-click "interactive cutting plane"


Sorry, I had read too fast, the question is more about Autocad,

Otherwise with SW, roughly speaking, you can draw everything.


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For sections, I ended up counting the surfaces and drawing them manually. 

Yes of course nothing is impossible on SW  but for the moment I don't find the approach wise yet:(    :

Do I use surfacing by relying on the "adjust" command to get to the desired shape?  ....


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In my humble opinion you have problems in your cutting sections

It seems to me that some cross-sectional faces are missing


@+ ;-)


No need for surface. As I said:
- creation of a radial plane (which passes through the axis of the bottle);
- creation of a material removal system by extrusion on either side of this plane;
- circular repetition;
- reiteration of these 3 steps for the 2nd series of facets.

why is it not wise to switch to SW? How would doing the job 2 times (once with Autocad which is notoriously easy to work in 3D and a second time with SW) be more judicious?

With SW, you would have the volumes and mass directly without approximation, the views would be error-free.


Ok! I would try your suggestion and I hope  it is effective