Hello, I have a problem on the welded parts list

I expose my problem: I make a welded construction, I insert a sheet metal part with several configs (default, right and left) I fill in a designation by configuration... Only when I edit the list of welded parts the 2 parts are grouped together, 2 articles under the designation of the same config (the left in this case) I can't detail 1 left part/1 right part...

I hope I was clear...

Thank you for your help.


Do you insert your sheet metal part as a derivative element (everything in the same part) or do you create an assembly with your mechanically welded + your sheet metal part?

-> I don't think configurations are managed in the case of derivative parts?

-> An assembly should solve this problem.

Also pay attention to the mechanically welded and its configuration (Rough/Machined)

Kind regards.


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To do this, simply check the box "Display separately the configurations of the same part" see attached image and above all make an assembly of your welded construction and your sheet metal parts.


For the time being, it is not absurd to insert the sheet metal part into the mechanically welded part (if the sheet metal part is welded on the rest).
I think you have to play with the properties of mechanically welded bodies so that your 2 pieces can be differentiated in the table.
Disadvantage, if you make another mechanically welded part and you import your sheet metal parts, you will have to redo the handling since the properties of the bodies are local to the mechanically welded part.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any other method...

Thank you for your answers,

however I am doing a mechanically welded and not an assembly... (a bent sheet welded on profiles) What I don't understand is that in the tree the 2 part configurations are detailed and named by their respective configs... but on the list inserted on plan they are grouped together in one room... (the option "show configurations of the same part separately" does not exist on a welded parts list or I can't find it...)

Very nicely.


What version are you in and can you post your file???


SW premium 2014 64b...

Sorry, I can't post the file...

Any idea is welcome...