Hello, I want to design a window for naval modeling, this one is trapezoidal

It is trapezoidal in shape with the top and bottom upright parallel, the left side at 110°, the right 100°. It will also include uprights for small tiles.

How should we proceed.

if it works, I plan to 3D print it.

Thank you


opens a sketch of a side

pulls 2 parallel defined at length

and draw a line at one end of your first line, stick an angle to it

and the end point of this leaning line must be in coicidence stress with the end point of the parallel line

then you take the right sketch line tool and you join

the remaining 2 end

Once you do this you shift inwards by x mm to have the profile of your part

you extrude this said sketch to the desired value

and if necessary you create a sketch on this face via convert the entities

and you make an elevation of material for the rebate of the installation of the shutters and your glass or plastic

well there are a thousand other ways to do it 

but I offer you this one for the moment ;-)

attached image

see attached file SW 2012

@+ ;-)



Here it is with bars

and the file under SW 2012

@+ ;-)


Thank you for your advice, I'll try right away.

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I just tried the frame worked, but I wedge on the uprights of the braces.

A draft is attached.

impossible to do the extrusion of the uprights.

What advice?

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impossible for me to see your future version file

so a screenshot and explain your problem

If you open my attachments you should find the solution to your problem

@+ ;-)

1st point Make a 2D sketch and not 3D

2nd point the sketched profile must be closed, you are missing the ends, see attachment with the sketch lines in light blue


Hello MAD

I just redid the sketch in 2D but the result is the same, I don't have the hand for the boss.

I must say that I am a beginner in CAD drawing, I do exos but my trapezoidal case is a bit special.

I drew 3D windows but rectangular, it worked.

What should I do or what I haven't done to move on to the next step.

Thank you



Use the Fit Entities function to cut off excess strokes (scissors) or in the extrude function use the Select Outline checkbox to take the inner areas of your sketches.




Here is my piece with the adjusted function, by editing the function you will immediately understand what to do with the adjust antiities function

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And here's the one with the outline selection, as you edit the function you'll see that I've selected all the outlines of the sketch.

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thank you for your advice I just remade a sketch and extruded it, I managed to achieve what I want, I just have to draw the remaining 48 windows before 3D printing.

On the other hand, on the right horizontal cross, I can't set the dimension to .4 like the others.

Kind regards



While I'm at it, where can I find the detail of the black, dark blue, light blue, orange line colors corresponding?


Thank you


Have you already been trained?

The colors of the sketch lines are the first thing to know, black completely constrained (size and position) blue still free (size or position).

So if you have never been trained, start with the first SOLIDWORKS tutorials to have the right basics, otherwise you risk rowing if you want to go further with the tool.
