Hello, I am + or - a beginner in solidworks and I have a project to do (an electric saw). I admit that I don't know where to start. Could you please help me. Thank you

In general, before calling for help, you  read the specifications carefully, you think about it, you propose some solutions and then you can ask for your opinion on a forum that will be happy to help you.

On the other hand, if you are just looking for someone to do your job, here is a subcontractor for 5 euros, see this link:



For @tous ;-)


Thank you for your answer you're too strong superman

In any case, "superman ^_^" is right, Lynkoa's primary goal is to help each other...



I confirm Specifications (commercial target size, cost, power...)
then look for exciting components (engine ,...)
Assembling these components to estimate the footprint.
Think about manoeuvrability, safety, ergonomics and design, assembly.

It is difficult to find an answer that will answer this question.

My subject is interacting enough to have fun in 3D

Kind regards


Bruno I think he's just going to pay 5€, the interest of young people is very limited nowadays ...


Already seen the way to post the question is borderline I think... Then create an account for other people to work for him, he's not the first to do it.


Hello @tous

When you don't know where to start:  the easiest way is to start at the end so that it's over faster. It's true! saw! saw!

TILT    Game Over

PS: Saw Saw has nothing to do with the Empress by the way


Hello @tous

For those who would have skipped the first answer!

I am perplexed and in the middle of a Kafkaesque dilemma because an electric hand saw does not jump, on the other hand the jigsaw jumps, but the sabre saw dances.
(Aren't we talking about the sword dance! we should see to be continued... )

ANSI like having a motor that is electric, but that saws without jumping like pit sawyers with stroke adjustment of course.

Kind regards

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