Good evening I had a problem displaying the part in 3D. It can be displayed as a small window on the taskbar, but if I click on it, I only see the amber of the room. Can you help me please


Start by stopping/restarting the machine.



Exactly stop SolidWorks and launch RX_SolidWorks then restart, it should be good, otherwise graphics card problem.

Good luck.




Hello again,

 about RX, first launch the capture of the problem then launch the maintenance of the system here it is ...





thank you for helping me

do I just have to launch RX Solidworks?
We can see several windows and function dedant
Should I choose a function?

Thank you

Hello again,

 about RX, launch in first  e, click on the tab "the capture of the problem" then launch the other tab "system maintenance" that's it, this allows you to clean up the files that slow down SW, and normally it works ... (See attached file in my previous mail).

Good luck.



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I did all the steps

You can also record a video to show the problem

but nothing has changed

It's a bit weird, because if I take out the sketch and I do extruded, I can see the 3D model, but as soon as I type finished, I only see the shadow:(

I also have the Catia Program on my PC and worked great; That's why I don't think it's a problem with the graphics card.

Ok but since you are working on a student version, I think this is the origin of the problem.


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Good evening @Mourad Khedira_1

when I see your first images I wonder if you haven't activated the "Graphics real View" function

Look in "display" if shaded mode is enabled. Because if you have defined the floor to several centimeters, it is not surprising that you see the shadow and not the room

Kind regards


Hi @Zozo_mp

thank you for wanting to help me
If I activate the shaded mode, I see that the shadow
if c disabled i can't see anything anymore
What is the "Graphics Real View" function?


yes maybe that's the origin of the problem

can you give me a link, where I can download Solidworks for free?


Thank you


If you develop the "volume body" file, is there really a present body?

When you click on the arrow at the top left of the feature manager (circled in blue on my image), you have 4 additional columns that are displayed. Is your volume body represented by a solid cube (circled in red on my image)?

If your cube is not blue, try clicking on it to change its status


Hi Pascal
Yes, that may well be the problem
but I could display the 4 columns, can you show me exactly what I can do to display and control them
Thank you:)



You have to stretch your feature manager in width  before you can have access to the method given by pascal , for this you  do as for all windows in Windows.

Otherwise, I have the impression that the body of your part is in transparent mode, click on the "modify transparency" line on the image you put in:

Kind regards

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I have the impression that the problem is a combination of elements,
If the part is in transparency with the transparency setting set to 100% and the display is in "Shaded image without edges" mode, the part becomes invisible.

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Good evening 

In my opinion (and given the background of your solidworks): 

-> Well connected to the graphics card.

->Graphics driver updated.


Then, launch the Rx solidworks,

-> Launch solidworks by emulating the open gl functions -> If it works it's a graphics card problem

MRC To all of you
I tried everything :((((

I also deleted SW and reinstalled it but nothing changed 

I think I need another version

Can you give me a website where I can download a free version?
Thank you


Good evening @Mourad Khedira_1 

I see that on your PDF you have put your transparent part and the material is not specified.

Remove the transparency and put a material like aluminum or steel and change the color of the object to Green.

Indeed, without material and depending on the configuration, we can have almost invisible parts

Kind regards

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Which version are you on and can you share your file for us to take a look at?

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@ac cobra 427, we can see on different images that the version used is the 2020 version in student license.

From the screenshots made, we can also assume that the problem appears when creating a new part. This is to be confirmed by Mourad Khedira_1 of course.

Is the problem also present when loading an existing part?

Is the part model used the default SW model, or has it been reworked?

Does the problem also appear on the assemblies?

I think that the change of version of SW will not change anything since appearances are stored in the room.

For information, and to my knowledge, there is no free "legal" version of Solidworks except through the SOLIDWORKS Student Access program under certain conditions (see HERE). As you already have this version of Solidworks, you may need to contact your institution.

Kind regards


No r1 doesn't change, I've already tried with several materials

Yes, The problem is also present when loading an already existing part or assembly (by e.g. Stp konstrude by another software)

I didn't try assembly with SW because I was able to work with parts

Yes, it may be a version problem
I got the version of a video on youtube